Sunday, February 3


One of my brothers graduated from college this weekend. This is a picture of one of the tickets. I like this photo because the paper is in focus and you can clearly see the words, and in some places, details in the paper. In addition, I think the white paper looks nice against the antique chest/wood. I also think there is good depth of field.


Megan Bubello said...

I like this photo! I really like the clarity of the letters on the card in this photograph. Although the chairs in the background are a little distracting, I really liked the wood at the bottom of this photo. I would have liked to see the card at either the center of the photo or off to the side. Overall I thought this was a very interesting shot!

carolinemcgrath said...

I like that this photo it in crisp clear focus. I would have put the card in front of a different, less distracting, background. I think this was a good picture to take at an event like a graduation, because its nice to have little mementos of important events like that. Maybe next time you could take it a more interesting angle then just head on, though.