Sunday, February 3


I took this photo using the macro setting on my camera without flash. I really liked this photo because the flower is at the center of the photo and there is no distracting background. I really liked how the pink popped out of the photo and I also really liked the depth of field in this photo. A few of the petals in the middle are a little distracting, but overall I really like this photo.


alisonkcondon said...

I think this photo is so pretty! The details are really nice in the middle of the photo and very clear how you can see all of the petals. One thing that I think would make the photo a little bit better, even though it is very good, is if all of the petals were in as nice of focus as the middle ones were. The ones on the left were a bit out of focus which was a little distracting. But overall, great photo!

Megan Bubello said...

Thanks for the comment Alison! I actually liked that all the petals were not in focus. I thought it made for a great depth of field which photographers usually look for. I thought the petals in the middle were a little more distracting because they weren't exactly in order. I really appreciate the comment!