Sunday, February 3


This picture was taken at night in the dark with and outside light on the porch.  I like how you can tell the difference between the more yellow light coming from inside, and the brighter light outside because of the snow's reflection.  I used the close-up setting on my camera but only a small section in in focus.


Anonymous said...

I like the composition of this photo and the yellow window in the background. If I could change one thing I would make the snow more in focus.

Millie Bache said...

I really like what you were trying to capture in this photo. I like the angle you took this photo at and the attempt to capture the small details in the snow. I agree with lydia however I thing the portrayal would be much better if the photo had been in better focus.

Unknown said...

I like this picture overall. I like how the snow on the branches can be shown in the picture. The problems we have here are: first, as you would know, the picture is totally out-focused or maybe blurred. I think it's blurred since you take the picture in the dark without popping flesh, so your camera had to depend on the light from the window, and the shutter speed will be slower then normal to collect light. To take this kind of picture better, especially in the dark, I recommend you to take picture with tripod equipped so that the camera does not move while it's taking pictures.

Unknown said...

I think that if i used the flash it might be more in focus but then you wouldn't get the same outcome like with the lighting from the window in the background might not be as noticeable.