Sunday, February 3


I took these pictures of my moms pansies that were up against the window. I took this using the light that was coming in through the window and the overhead light from the lamps.


Unknown said...

I really like this picture for many reasons. first, I like this picture because of the depth of field and the angle. I also like the photo because it has very interesting colors. Lastly i like the picture because you can see a lot of the details on the flowers. one thing i would change is i would try to get it to be a little more focussed

Unknown said...

I really like this picture for many reasons. first, I like this picture because of the depth of field and the angle. I also like the photo because it has very interesting colors. Lastly i like the picture because you can see a lot of the details on the flowers. one thing i would change is i would try to get it to be a little more focussed

Unknown said...

I do agree the main reason I liked this photo was because of the colors that were in it. I also agree and I could have done a better job actually focusing on the flowers