Monday, February 4


I took this a few weeks ago for the Styles project, although I don't think I used it. These are just a few 33's and 45's in my home. I took this in the late afternoon/night I think so I couldn't use available light; there is a lamp shade's reflection in the bottom left corner. What I do like about this photo, however, is how I used all different types of records, varrying in colors and sizes. I had originally planned to make this photo black & white but I find it more interesting with the pink label in the front, the yellow label on the side, and the rainbow label in the back. Also, I like how the words and details on the front record are a lot more clear and crisp than the ones in the back because I think it draws the eye to title.


Amanda Garner said...

I think this is a really interesting photo. I like how the records are layered. Although I do think that the photo is over exposed. The light on shining on the record is distracting. I would have found a way to get rid of or make it more flattering.

Unknown said...

I really like how in this photo all of the space is filled up with the records and there is no empty space left. i also like the depth of field in the photo and how the focus is mainly on the star in the front record

Unknown said...

I like this picture; it has style and shape. However, there are some failings. First, you said, " I took this in the late afternoon/night I think so I couldn't use available light," but what I'm thinking is exposure in this whole picture is exceeded. Second, the picture is blurred generally, which means, I'm not sure where you tried to focused on.

MorganMacDougall said...

Thank you. Really the only thing I would change about this is how overexposed it is. I will probably try it again with available light because I do still like the shot. I'll try to focus the photo better to make it more appealing.