Sunday, February 3


I took this photograph at a church In Washington D.C.  I used the available light from the church, it was about 830 am and cloudy so there wasn't a lot of light from the windows. I like this photograph because of the two shadows of the virgin Mary.  I also like that the main focus is the statue of Mary, although there are candles below her and stain glass windows above her I don't think they are distracting.


Anonymous said...

I really like this photo because of the two shadows of Mary. Also, it is a well balanced photo.

Amanda Garner said...

I light this photograph is amazing. It make the statue in the center of the photo look 3D. It is balanced and extremely flattering. I love the way it captures a kind of emotion present at that moment.

Unknown said...

Thank you Lydia and Amanda! I agree, this picture is well balanced and it really does capture a very peaceful atmosphere. I really like the elegant architecture and of cathedrals.