Sunday, February 3

Dilbarian_ sadie

                   This is a photo that i took of my dog.  She was lying on my bed.  I took it without flash around mid day using natural light and fluorescent lights with in my room.  I liked this picture because of the way she is looking up to the right of the shot.  I also like the way the depth of field draws your eye into her face and then down her ear and to the right of the frame.  The one thing i think i should have done or changed is moved the pillow within the background.  I also think all of the other thinks in the back are very distracting


Unknown said...

This is a very cute photograph of your dog! I like that this picture was taken using the available light from the room. I also like that your dog is facing you but his eyes are in another direction. What makes the picture cool is that he stands out since he is lying on white pillows. I agree that the background is a little distracting.

Flavia said...

I like this photo because of how your dog looks like it is posing for you. I really like the white background on the bottom of her. I think the top of the picture (the background at the top) is distracting. If you put something white in the back of her then it would make it less distracting.

Unknown said...

This is a very nice photo of your dog...because of the way she is looking at camera and she is just laying down doing nothing.

Unknown said...

I agree that it looks like she is posing and that she is just looking off into the distance. i wish that the background wasn't as distracting but I think it adds a little bit of color