Sunday, February 3


I took this picture of my chicken. I really like the position of the chicken and how it is looking at me. The angle I took this in is a bit unusual because you are supposed to be taller than a chicken but I squatted down at the level of the chicken. At this level it kind of looks like you are a chicken next to your fellow chickens. I like the place the chicken is in its a perfect place for a chicken (next to a barn outside). The distracting part is the other chicken in the background. I actually like the door in the back opened because it naturally opened.


Unknown said...

I like this photograph because the chicken’s color. I like the way it stands out from the barn and the ground. I like how the chicken is staring right into the camera. What would make this photograph better is if you zoomed into the chicken so that the string on the right and the chicken on the left would be cropped.

Unknown said...

I agree with Claudia that the string in the top right corner is distracting, but I do like the idea of the open door. This photo would be better if the part of the chicke's wing was more focused, but I like how you were able to get a nice highlight in its eye. It's a pretty good focus that you got on the chicken because I know it's not easy to get a chicken to stay in one position for long.

Flavia said...

I did not even notice that piece of string. Now that I noticed it I strongly agree that I should have zoomed in or moved the camera away from it. Thanks!