Sunday, February 3


This is a picture of my sister Erin. I used this photo in my Portraits 1,2,3 project and in my portfolio. I took this picture a few weeks ago when it was snowing outside. I think I only used the light from outside, natural light, for this photo. I like how she is smiling and the colors on her scarf and hat make the photo more interesting.


Unknown said...

I like how the bright colors of the hat and the scarf really pop against the more subdued colors in the rest of the photo. I like how the top of her hat is cut off because it draws more attention to her face. I wish some small details, such as her hair being a little neater and the tag on the scarf, were changed.

carolinemcgrath said...

I like this photo because the bright scarf and hat look nice against the plain white background. I think I might have had Erin wear her down so it would frame her face a little more.

alisonkcondon said...

Jeanine, I also like how the colors of the clothing pop against the background. As you pointed out the small details, I realized I missed those tiny details when I took the picture and I agree that it might of made it look a little neater. Caroline, thank you! And I agree with how Erin could of wore her hair down.