Monday, February 4


This is the picture of bike. I like this picture of angle that I took from. It looks dynamic since i took this object from front and about 40 degree. I like the white balance of this picture since it is emphasized on each colors in the picture. However, since the each colors are emphasized, the white is also emphasized, a fact that gives a distraction behind the bike, and the dark color (shadow) is also emphasized, so it gives little dark look too. Beside this fact, I like this picture.


Unknown said...

I really like the quality of this picture. I think the colors are crisp and in focus. I also like the angle that you took this photograph. I think the background is a little distracting though.

Unknown said...

I like this picture because it very interesting with all of the different shapes and lines going through the picture. I think it is in very clear focus, too. I like how all the colors go together and make for a very interesting photo especially because you can't tell what the picture is at first.

Flavia said...

i really like this photo and how there is perfect lighting in it. I also like the shadows in the curtains, bike, etc. This picture is very detailed especially in the bike's wheels. To me the window is a bit distracting because it is reflecting off whats inside and it is a little bit dirty. Other than that I love this photo!

Unknown said...

I agree on you guys that the picture quaility is quite good and the color is crisp. The reason why this picture is interesting is that each color appeal its light clearly and deeply. Beside the distraction on the background and too much concentration on black and white color, I like this picture as well.