Saturday, February 2

Garner_Old Fashion

I love this picture as well as this camera. I think the angle I took this at is the normal angle some one would take it. I was able to sharpen the picture. I like the way the coiled body of the camera fades into the distance of the black container. I like the shadows as well as the sleek lines. 


MorganMacDougall said...

First of all, the thing I like the most about this photo is the fact that it is in black & white because I think it reflects the age of the camera. Also, I like the depth of field because the you can see how the parts of the camera that are in focus are closer than parts in the back. The only thing I would change would be to try to get rid of whatever that dark line across the background is because, for me, I find it slightly distracting.

Amanda Garner said...

Thanks. I realize that the line in the background it distracting. It was the seem of the canvas board and the table. I wish I could have blurred it out in a way. I love this camera and the way the age is gracefully shown on this camera adding age to the photo.