Sunday, January 27


I took this photo today of the Charles River waterfall in Newton-Wellesley. I really like the angle to took the photo because usually you are looking at the waterfall from faraway and straight. I was on a bridge over the waterfall which made the angle different. In the photo I like how there is a sharp reflection of the sun. I also like how the water splashing is not as blurry as moving things are usually while taking photos. 


Unknown said...

Overall I really like this photo. I love the angle and the way you captured the sun in the reflection. I also like the way you caught the water flowing and captured the waterfall splashing against the snow. Lastly I like the way you thought to take the picture with the snow in it because it make the shot more interesting.

alisonkcondon said...
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alisonkcondon said...

I think this is a really pretty photo because the moving water is very clear and doesn't the blurry effect that most movements make. Also, I think you got the photo at the perfect time because the reflection of the sun and the sun in the corner really add to the photo!!!