Sunday, January 27


I took this picture last night at a restaurant in Boston. It was a very dark room with just one candle on each table. I like this picture because the only light is the candle. Also, there are nice details in the candle wax & there is a nice reflection from the candle on the back of the jar. I took this with no flash.


Anonymous said...

I really like how clear and detailed the wax is. The flame gives the photo a nice glow. I think that the white/grey shape in the back lefthand corner is distracting. Otherwise, great photo.

Unknown said...

I love all the different details in the wax. I think the colors are warm and are great with a dark background. I also think that the grey thing in the corner is a bit distracting.

alisonkcondon said...

Thanks Rebecca and Lydia! I also like the details of the wax and flame in the photo. I actually didn't notice the grey thing in the background (I think it might be a napkin) but now that I see it, I agree that it is also a bit distracting.