Monday, January 28

Garner_Optical Illusion

I took this picture with my canon rebel. It was set on automatic with no flash. I like this photo because it seems like an optical illusion. It technically is a picture of the ceiling in the fourth floor stair case but it looks like your looking down at the ground. 


Unknown said...

I really like this photo alot because it really creates depth and it is very interesting because at first, from looking at it , you can't quite tell what the picture is of. But then, if you keep looking at it you can tell and the blurry lines help focus your eyes on the clearer part in focus or the pictures "fore ground"

Unknown said...

I like this photo because it has a cool effect to the person veiwing the photot. The depth of field is great and i really make you think about what you are looking at.

Amanda Garner said...

Thanks Elena and Sara. I like the illusion the picture created, as well as the interesting view point. I one thing I would like to try is changing the picture to a black and white. I feel like black and white will compliment the lines in the picture, making it slightly more dramatic.