Sunday, January 27


This is a portrait of Emily that I used for the Portraits 123 assignment. I really like this photo because of her expression. At the time this photo was taken it was windy and it caused her hair to move. I like the movement it created and I think it made the photo more interesting. I think that making this portrait black and white made it look more mysterious. Unfortunately, I do not have the original color photo saved.


Amanda Garner said...

I like this photograph for multiple reasons. First, it is a great portrait, mainly because it is not the normal way people are captured in photos. Their hair is normally perfect and they are smiling. In your picture her hair is wind blown and she is giving you a deep in thought type of look. With the photograph being in black and white adds a edgy quality to the photo which compliments her facial expression.

Millie Bache said...

I love this photo, I like how Emily's eyes and mouth show a diferent type of emotion than just a simple picture of a person. Aside from the subject itself, I like how you caught Emily's hair in the perfect moment; her hair wasn't in her face to the point h=where it was distracting from the subject. The one thing I would have changed if I were you is have Emily squat down a little to eliminate the distracting line directly behind her head in the background of the photo. All in all well done.

Anonymous said...

Millie, Thank you. I never noticed the line before, but now that I look at it, I agree it is distracting.

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