Sunday, January 27


I took this photo a few weeks ago for the Styles Project. This is a plant in my kitchen window. I used the available light from the window and I believe this was taken in mid-to-late afternoon. I really like the bottom photo because I like all of the values. I think that the colors in the top photo are too dull so I think that the values from the black and white photo show the shadows much better. I also like the light on the right side and how the rays from the glare are visible. It makes it a lot more intriguing to look at. Especially since the leaves are slightly transparent and you can see the other leaves and petals behind it.


Amanda Garner said...

I think this photo is interesting because of the way the part of the plant is in focus. I like the way the light makes the leaves transparent but I would have moved a little to the right so that there was not such a glare of light at the right side of the photo. You would still have the light shooting on the plant and giving you the little lines but a little more flattering.

MorganMacDougall said...

If I had moved to the right, it would have shown more of the glare, but I like how only part of the glare is showing. I also think that if I had lost the glare, I would have lost the little beams of light which I think were what made the photo interesting.