Sunday, January 27


I took this with my Canon PowerShot SX110IS on macro setting. I chose to put the Connecticut quarter on top because I really liked the intricate detail of the tree's branches. I wish the whole top of the qurter was in the clear focus rather than just the bottom half. I also think the shine was a little bright towards the top left.


MorganMacDougall said...

What I really like about this photo are the details and the highlights on the coins. The highlight up the side of the stack on the right draws my eye up to the top coin to see all the little details in the tree and the grooves of the metal.

Unknown said...

I really like this picture because it seems so simple, but you can see details in the quarters; how they aren't just stacked straight up and how the sun is a key part because it highlights the branches, the words at the bottom and makes a nice shadow.

Unknown said...

Thanks I didn't even really notice the highlight up the right side of the stack but you're right. And I also liked the how the shadow and how the coins arent stacked straight.