Tuesday, January 29


I took this picture of my homework. I liked how the colors went together and the layout of the pens and the notebooks.  I think the different horizontal and vertical lines throughout this picture really make the photo more interesting. It is also taken at an angle where you wouldn't normally look at a notebook.  This was taken with overhead light and no flash.


Unknown said...

I agree that all of the colors go nicely together. I also like the variety of textures layered upon each other, to the smooth books to the spiral ring binding of tha assignment notebook. I think adding the pens definately added some interest so the photo consisted as more than just books and notebooks.

alisonkcondon said...

This a nice photo because all of the colors make it interesting to look at and it is all in great focus!

Unknown said...

Thank you! Yes, i had that in mind while i was setting this up. So instead of just taking a picture of my homework, I figured setting my notebooks and pens up in a more interesting way would add more depth to the picture