Saturday, February 2

Garner_Camera Fun

The top picture is the original. I took is with my Canon Rebel on the "no flash" setting. I put the lens on manual focus. I took my film camera and placed it on my mom's craft table, which provided the bright white base. I took white canvas boards and placed then behind to cover up the brown wall behind. The one thing I noticed after I took the picture was that the canvas boards created seems in the background.  

Once I began editing, I first changed the photograph to black and white. Next I changed the brightness, contrast, shadows and the highlights. After that I changed the color temperature, the tint, and the saturation. I was able to blur the lines out and make the lens more of a focal point. I love the way the light hit the lens to give high lights to the outer rims of it. I surprised myself on this one.   


Unknown said...

I think that it was a good idea that you used the white canvas boards in the background to make you focus more on the camera, but i agree with you that the seems are a bit distracting on the first photograsph. In the second photograph, I actually like how over exposed it was in the background, but there still were some nice shadows under the camera. In both photographs, the words were in great focus, and I love the highlights on the lense.

Amanda Garner said...

Thanks. I found that playing with the exposure helped blur out the background. It changed the entire feel of the photo. I was very happy with it.