Tuesday, January 29

Palencia_ Socks

I took this picture in my room during Christmas vacation. I was babysitting a 6 year old girl who takes ballet classes. She let me take a few pictures of her, I also used the available light that came from the window. I like this picture because you can see the dress she is wearing and the polka dot socks. I also like the way her feet look, they seem to be in good formation, I originally took this picture in black and white.


carolinemcgrath said...

I like this picture because it is taken at an interesting perspective. I normally wouldn't look at someones feet from that angle. I also like the way her feet are positioned and how her socks are patterned. I think it would have been a much more boring picture if her socks where white and her feet were flat on the ground. If I were you I would have cut out the string hanging down to the left and straightened the camera a little though.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I agree, I like this photograph because its something that most people don't take pictures of. It is really interesting when someone takes a picture of an object at an "out of the ordinary" perspective. Looking back I would have moved the camera a bit to get the string out of the photograph.