Tuesday, January 29


I took this photograph on the no-flash setting with a Nikon D3200. I like this photograph because you can see the details on the shell and on the old leather on the couch. I like the shadow also. I cropped the picture because there was a distracting corner of dark brown in the upper left corner.


Unknown said...

I like this photo because the shaddow of the shell really makes it more interesting. I like how it is all white and a white background so the shadow really stands out.

Unknown said...

I like this photograph because of all the fine details. I love how I can see the small wrinkles in the couch and the stripes on the shell. I also like the shadow and how the photograph is in focus but behind the shell it is not.

Unknown said...

Thank you! I think the shadow is the best part of this picture and I'm glad people saw that! I think that there could have been a little more focus but overall I also like the details.